APC News

Ways to Help . . .

As a result of a weekly Interfaith/Faith-Based phone call based in Philadelphia, below is a list of ways people can help during this Covid-19 Crisis. Examples; from today’s call: 1.  http://serve.volunteermatch.org/ is a website where people can search for volunteer...

Message from Rev. Diane Fitch, March 27, 2020

He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?         Micah 6:8 Friday, March 27, 2020 To the APC Family: I am just back from a trip north to Boston with my...

Message from Rev. Fitch and link to a Video, March 24

Grace & Peace to You this Day, My hope and prayer is that you are doing OK in the midst of these trying and difficult times. Know that your church, and your pastor are praying for you, and that God is always there to listen – anytime of day or night. I have...

Needs of Families Cared for by IHN during Covid Crisis

The families staying with the Interfaith Hospitality Network are being kept at one location and not moving around to different churches, in the current context of health concerns.  Therefore, volunteers from Ardmore Presbyterian Church will NOT be needed to bring...
