by | Jun 21, 2019 | Community, News, Worship, Youth
Rev. Judith Brackett has joined the APC staff as part-time Director of Children & Youth Ministries. Pastor Judith is an ordained Minister of the Word and Sacrament, and a minister member of the Presbytery of Philadelphia, and comes to us with a background in...
by | Jun 13, 2019 | Community, News, Uncategorized, Worship
New Members Class Have you been worshipping at APC and would like to make a commitment to be a member of the congregation? A New Members Class is being scheduled for Saturday, June 22, 9:30-11:30 a.m. If interested, please see Pastor Teng as soon as possible. ...
by | Jun 6, 2019 | Community, Preschool, Wednesday PLUS, Worship, Youth
Summer Sunday School in the Garden Calling all kids! Our summer Sunday school will be held in the James K. Young Garden in back of the Parish House. We will be planting a butterfly garden, raising butterflies and doing lots of fun activities. We will also be...
by | May 30, 2019 | Community, News, Worship
The APC Session has called a Congregational Meeting to be held this Sunday, June 2nd, immediately following worship, to elect elders to serve unexpired terms on Session. There will also be an update on the search process status for both Children & Youth Ministry...
by | Apr 15, 2019 | Community, News, Worship
Maundy Thursday, April 18 6:00 p.m. Easter Outreach Meal Packing, an all-church event 7:30 p.m. Communion Service in Chapel Good Friday, April 19 12:15 p.m. Retelling of the Passion in the Chapel 7:30 p.m. Tenebrae Service in the Chapel Easter Sunday, April 21...
by | Mar 25, 2019 | Christian Ed, News, Pastor, Worship
Daily Lectionary Readings for This Week Monday Morning: Psalms 119:73-80, 145; Evening: Psalms 121,6 Jeremiah 16:(1-9), 10-21; Romans 7:1-12; John 6:1-15 Tuesday Morning: Psalms 34, 146; Evening: Psalms 25, 91 Jeremiah 7:19-27; Romans 7:13-25; John 6:16-27 Wednesday...