Sanctuary Village Fundraiser

Please consider supporting Sanctuary Village towards the building of Tiny Houses for people experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia: For the crafty: Make a heart (any material) and include a pocket on it (size of heart: not bigger than 8½ x 11 paper). Put a...

MLK Day of Service

Day of Service Opportunities Include: Food Justice: How does Race Impact Access to Fresh and Healthy Foods? (Zoom discussion) Health Access: The Good and Not So Good News (Zoom discussion) Cooking demonstration (Zoom): prepare a casserole to donate Collection of used...

Kossi Sedzro Love Offering

On behalf of the Session, we invite each of you who feels led to contribute a “love offering” to Kossi’s Sedzro’s wife, Josephine, in her time of need. Gifts may be given online, or mailed to the church office noted “Sedzro Gift.” We thank God for Kossi’s life and for...