Vacation Bible School 2019 – June 17-21 UPDATE

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VBS 2019 June 17-21 UPDATE

This year’s theme is “Deep Sea Adventures” and we will be exploring the depth of Jesus’ love. Vacation Bible School will run from 9-12 a.m., Monday – Friday. This will be a week of fun, learning, friendly competition, music, and fellowship. The children will need to register for the week so we can be properly prepared for all activities.

Teachers and helpers to date:

Registration: Karen Tolbert

Opening and Closing Music: Gary Garletts, Denise Peters Eliza Brooks and Alex Kozak (Need helper)

Bible Story: Pastor Bill Teng

Games: Eliza Brooks, Ashley McGrory (Mon. & Tues.) and Colin Deiger

Crafts: Emily Hassler, Gwen Deiger, Mary Schreiber,  along with Stephanie McGrory on Mon. & Tues.

Snacks: Jody Brumbach and church helpers.

Memory Verse/Skits: Karen Simons and a greeter.

Missionary Story: Karen Teng and a greeter.

Crew (Guides who lead the children to one station to another):

4-year olds: Tyler Deiger, Colin Pfister and Abby Spencer

Kindergarten: Tyler Cobb and Maria Reynolds

1st & 2nd grade: Jane Boyle (T, TH), Emeline Lignowski, Alex Kozak (W. TH, F) and Denise Peters

3rd & 5th grade: Eric Hibbs and Laura Goetsch

Director of VBS 2019, Denise Peters


How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the gospel!  Romans 10:15