The Well donation update – July 26, 2019

The Well, a shelter for women experiencing homelessness, which is operated as part of The Welcome Church, is currently looking for donations of any of the following: toiletries (soap, shampoo, deodorant, etc.), underwear/bras, foil, can opener, sugar, coffee filters, dish towels, drying rack for dishes, and “Tupperware” containers. Cookies for Teatime at The Welcome Church are needed on Monday, July 29. Cookies can be left in the church’s front office on the Sunday beforehand. To arrange for options of getting contributions to The Well, please contact: Rev. Schaunel Steinnagel, Associate Pastor of The Welcome Church,, 302-463-0542.If you are interested in helping to prepare a meal for the women of The Well, please contact Sharon Dooley,