Blessing to you on this day!
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
(Psalm 19:4)
Hoping you were able to join us for Homecoming worship this past Sunday – either in person or virtually. Our sanctuary was filled with beautiful music, the sounds of people greeting one another, children safely gathered in the Walker Chapel, and the amazing Spirit of God. For those who joined the service virtually, we realize it was not so smooth. Thank you for your patience as we sort out some sound level issues. We also realize the streaming quality of our outside gathering was very poor, and we have made different plans for this Sunday.
Do you remember what our first recorded worship services were like, back in March? Nothing at all like they were recently. The sound issues were bad enough in March that they warranted a phone call with Alan Abel, who guided me with some wise words and ideas. Right before he got sick.
As I shared in worship, each week I will share Wednesday’s Word with the Preschool class and share this same message on Sunday for the Children’s Message. Lasts week I shared the story of creation, and I used my stole as a visual guide. Some asked to get a closer look, so I am including a photo here:

Hoping you are healthy and well. Know that you are one of God’s children and that you are loved and cherished by God.
Grace & Peace to all,
Pastor Diane
Transitional Pastor