Message from Pastor Diane: Links to Worship on 10/18, Stewardship, Harvest Festival, Youth Ministry and More!

Greetings to the APC community:


 Links to:
Here is an opportunity to hear (and sing along with!) our worship music from last Sunday (10/11).
This Sunday, we begin our focus on all that God has given us, and how we can share in our giving with our Stewardship. Look for a letter from Stewardship & Finance arriving soon, and each Sunday, a church member will share what APC means to them in a Stewardship Reflection during worship. Our Stewardship Sunday will be November 8.
Next SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, plan to gather outside from 5-6 PM for a HARVEST FESTIVAL. Enjoy campfire songs, a fire pit, stories, and s’more-making. Please bring along food items for the Food Pantry, a camp chair or blanket, and your mask!
Our next book will be Let Justice Roll Down, by John Perkins. Our discussion will be held on Tuesday, 10/20, at 7 p.m.. You can participate either from the Mill Creek Room or via zoom.
Our Safety Task Force continues to meet to oversee and plan for safely gathering in this time of COVID-19. We have updated our
 Safety Protocol based on the most recent recommendations.


In this time of COVID-19, Youth Ministry is alive and well at APC! Each Sunday, junior and senior high youth gather for activities and fellowship – mostly outside. They have gone for a hike, had a fire-side discussion, gone out for ice cream, and watched a movie outside. Being creative about faith – all socially distant!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Diane
Transitional Pastor
