We will begin our new series on “Church Emerging” by exploring the invitation to participate in a Trinitarian lifestyle.
As we’re sure you’re aware, the CDC recently updated their mask-wearing guidelines to allow for fully vaccinated individuals (those at least 2 weeks past their second vaccine) to unmask indoors. However, given that our youngest members of the church are (for now) ineligible to receive the vaccine and the fact that (though unlikely) fully vaccinated individuals may still catch and spread COVID-19, APC recommends that all continue to mask during services, both indoors during worship and outdoors during the Hymn Sing. We thank you for showing respect and support for our children—and for setting a good example for them—as we navigate this murky, gray area of transitioning back to normal! As Jesus commanded, “Welcome the children!”
The service will be livestreamed at ardmorepres.org/live for any folks who wish to worship from home. If you will be re-joining us in person for the first time this week, please review APC’s Safety Protocol before coming to church.
No matter how you plan to worship with us, you are most welcome here at APC!