Get Involved

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the God’s grace.”
1 Peter 4:10

Volunteer Opportunities:


Greeters are needed to be at the front door and welcome those who are arriving for worship.


Help to greet those arriving for worship, distribute the worship folders and guide people around the church building as needed. The ushers take the weekly offerings during the worship service.

Pew Straighteners

After worship, the pew straighteners walk up and down the aisles collecting worship folders, putting Bibles and hymnals back in the racks, and collect any items that were left behind.

Lectionary / Assist in Worship

Preform readings and prayers provided by the Pastor

Church Office Volunteers

Volunteers are needed in the church office Monday and Friday mornings from 9 am – 12:00 pm, and on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 12 pm – 3:00 pm. Volunteers answer the church phone and handle simple but important tasks such as welcoming visitors to the church office and preschool, proofreading, assisting with sending out mailings, and assisting the church administrator with other projects.

Shine-up Saturdays

An opportunity to do needed handy-person work at the church such as gardening, painting, simple carpentry, and basic fixing-up

Vacation Bible School

Volunteers (adult and youth) are needed to do set up and serve as team leaders, food preparation, craft leaders, game leaders for our children during our VBS week

Red Cross blood-drive

Volunteers are needed to sign in donors and stock the snack table

Interfaith Hospitality Network

Meal preparation, serve food, and interact with the guests

The Welcome Church

Bake cookies, supply welcome home kits


Our church and its mission are made possible through the work of several committees. Each committee contributes to the life of our church, community, and world in different ways. Committees are chaired by an Elder serving on Session and members serve for between 1 – 3 years. 

Serving on a committee is a great way to share your time and talents and to get to know others in the congregation! If you are interested in serving on a committee, please reach out to us at

Mission Awareness Committee

The purpose of the APC Mission Awareness Committee is to transform lives through the Good News of Jesus Christ. Responsibilities include: providing opportunities for our congregants to participate in mission activities; seeking guidance from, and informing our congregation about the committee’s efforts, the efforts of our mission partners, and to advise our congregants of opportunities to participate in mission related activities which might be of interest. The ultimate goal of this committee is to put faith into action by promoting the love of God and the love of our neighbors locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

The committee meets the first Monday of each month at 7pm in the Mill Creek Room.

Christian Education Committee

By the grace of God, the Christian Education Committee strives to equip members of Ardmore Presbyterian Church as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ by providing excellent educational opportunities for all. The committee provides all members and friends with educational opportunities. Responsibilities include: providing adult small group meetings, selection/procurement of teaching materials, and providing support and assistance to the Children’s Ministry Coordinator and volunteers.

The committee meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm in the Mill Creek Room. 

Fellowship and Outreach Committee

The mission of the Fellowship & Outreach Committee is to offer hospitality, friendship and connection among members and the community. Responsibilities include: organizing fellowship events such as the traditional Easter breakfast, receptions for new members and confirmation class, Homecoming Picnic, Advent Family Night, and adult fellowship. The committee also provides support to other committee’s events when able.

The committee meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Mill Creek Room. 

Buildings and Grounds

The committee’s mission is to ensure that all of our church property is properly maintained. Responsibilities include: conferring with the Facilities Manager on maintenance issues, developing long-range plans for facilities, and approving the use of the facilities by outside groups.

This committee meets on the third Thursday of every month on Zoom.

Worship Committee

The mission of the committee is to encourage people in the worship of God in order to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation. Responsibilities include: working with the Senior Pastor on all matters of worship, including time and location of worship, the content and order of worship, the time and manner of celebration of the sacraments, (including preparation of the elements), care and maintenance of worship spaces, recommending music under the leadership of the Pastor and the Director of Music, organizing ushers, and conducting live-streaming, recording and amplification of worship services.

The committee meets on an as needed basis. 


The committee is responsible for developing and recommending the annual budget for approval by Session. It is also responsible for monitoring and making recommendations on church investments, working with the Business Manager to ensure proper oversight and accounting expenditures of the church, and ensures that an annual external financial review is conducted on all accounts.

The committee meets periodically as needed.


The committee shall review and provide recommendations on the ways the Session and congregation can use their gifts to further the glory of God. Responsibilities include: leading the annual pledge drive and identifying and creating additional ways the congregation can give its time, talent and resources to God.

The committee meets periodically as needed.