Deacons Updates

Welcome to our deacons for 2022!

Co Moderators for this year are Jessie DiNome (215-803-1405) and Sarah Schreiner.

The following deacons are your points of contact for specific needs.

  • Emergency Meals

Maria Helena Michaelson/Dan del Duca

  • Emergency Transportation

Isla Grant

  • Flowers Coordinator

Carol Fritz

  • Outreach Needs

Kristy Cobb/Sarah Schreiner/Jessie DiNome

Rounding out the team this year are Elizabeth Luff, Katherine Anne Matt, Graham Fuller, and Anne McComiskie.

Looking forward to a Great Year!!

Deacons are in charge of SHINE UP SATURDAYS this year. Find your tools and working boots. Dates to follow. KA and Anne leading the charge.


Jessie DiNome