This year’s curriculum explores five stories about Jesus eating with unexpected people, providing food for a crowd, and more. We are hoping to create picnic- and food-themed decorations outdoors and under the new tent. If you can donate or lend any of the following for the week of June 21-25, we would greatly appreciate empty water bottles; scrapbook pages with designs; picnic-themed fabric; plastic sectioned appetizer trays; blank or old CDs; plaid or picnic-themed tablecloths; large picnic baskets; coolers; any size garden pinwheels; small picnic tables; international or ethnic food serving; cooking/eating utensils including flatware; large, live, or artificial palms; and anything you think might add to the theme.
Please drop off items in the church office at your earliest convenience (labelling anything you would like returned). Thank you so much for helping us to create an atmosphere where children are welcome at God’s table and can follow in the way of Jesus!
Anne Foote & Sandy Brown