by | Mar 16, 2020 | Community, News, Preschool, Worship
Dear Members and Friends of Ardmore Presbyterian Church: In view of the COVID-19 outbreak and the recommendations by state officials to refrain from public meetings in Montgomery County, the Session has cancelled all events and activities at the Ardmore Presbyterian...
by | Mar 13, 2020 | News, Pastor, Worship
Although services are cancelled for the next 2 Sundays, please refer to the worship folder here for your own Sabbath prayers and devotions, as you are able. March 15 2020 3rd Sunday in Lent
by | Mar 10, 2020 | Community, Music, News, Uncategorized, Worship
VOLUNTARY Lift High the Cross (three Variations) Charles Callahan (1994) HYMNS Lift High The Cross More Love to Thee, O Christ Guide My Feet ANTHEM, Chancel Choir Followers of the Lamb Shaker (1847)/Dieterich (1977) OFFERTORY, Solo Tom Sitzler, Baritone Many and...
by | Mar 4, 2020 | Christian Ed, Community, News, Worship
LENTEN VESPERS Please plan to join us for LENTEN VESPERS, Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel beginning March 4. The services will be contemplative worship in the Taizé style, from 7:30 to approx. 8:15 p.m., and will include Holy Communion....
by | Feb 24, 2020 | News, Worship
This Sunday is the first day to complete the yellow card in the pew rack to dedicate a lily plant to a loved one or in commemoration of a special occasion.
by | Feb 14, 2020 | Community, News, Worship
Rev. Diane Fitch will join APC as our Transitional Pastor beginning March 16. Her schedule will be posted once it is confirmed. Pastor Diane will co-lead worship on March 1 and be available to meet everyone during fellowship and refreshments afterwards. Diane...