by | Nov 24, 2021 | Community, News
As of November 24th, we have received 65 pledges for our 2022 Stewardship Campaign, totaling $309,037. In addition, 63% of those who’ve already pledged have committed more for 2022 than they did for 2021. Eleven of the pledges we’ve received so far are new this year!...
by | Nov 24, 2021 | Community, News, Worship
Hope Hold the Past and Future in Tension Past – “In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up from David.” ~ Jer. 33:15 Present – Hope and Patience Future – “And may he so strengthen your hearts in holiness that you may be...
by | Nov 19, 2021 | Community, News, Worship
What are your strengths, as a person? What are your weaknesses? Does God call us only in our strengths, or also in our weaknesses? How can people support one another? How do we lean into the Kingdom of God? This Sunday, November 21, is Christ the King Sunday—a day,...
by | Nov 19, 2021 | Christian Ed, Community, Music, News, Youth
In preparation for a group project for Advent Family Afternoon, we are in need of any old CDs you could contribute for a “Star of Bethlehem” project. Please leave them in the front office before December 12. Thank you!
by | Nov 19, 2021 | Community, News
As of November 17th, we have received 60 pledges for our 2022 Stewardship Campaign, totaling $291,428. In addition, 64% of those who’ve already pledged have committed more for 2022 than they did for 2021. Eight of the pledges we’ve received so far are new this year!...