The next date for volunteers from Ardmore Presbyterian Church to provide dinner for families staying at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Ardmore through Interfaith Hospitality Network is Sat-urday, April 4! Needed are 1-2 volunteers, to bring and eat dinner with the families, at 6pm that evening! I (Schaunel) may be able to be one of the people for this date; however, no matter what, a total of 2 volunteers is needed, for staffing the dinner (due to safety regulations)! If you can help with this need in any way, on Saturday, April 4 (helping to provide part of the dinner and/or coming to eat dinner at the table with the families), please let me know (
Thank you to Dennis and Barb Wood, who provided the dinner and fellowship on January 25! Thank you to Anne Foote for signing up for June 6! (After these dates, the remaining dates in 2020 for bringing dinner for the families for Interfaith Hospitality Network will be August 8 and December 5.) —Rev. Schaunel Steinnagel