REGISTER FOR ALPHA: January 5-March 29, 2020



January 5 – March 29, 2020

on 10 Sunday evenings from 5:30 – 7:45 p.m. plus a Saturday retreat on February 29, 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

ALPHA is a series of small group sessions that focus on fellowship and discussion which include:

¨   A home-style dinner for fellowship

¨   An engaging video dealing with different “Questions of Life and Faith”

¨   Small (7 – 10 people) discussion groups, each with an experienced discussion moderator

ALPHA interactive sessions discuss Modern Life and the Christian Faith in an Informal, Fun and Friendly environment. Each video is about 30 minutes and addresses Questions of Life and Faith in an engaging way with relevance to our modern secular culture. Topics include:

¨ ‘Is There More to Life Than This?’

¨ ‘Who is Jesus? · Why Did Jesus Die?’

¨ ‘How Does God Guide Us?’

¨ ‘How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life?’

¨ ‘How Can I Resist Evil?’

¨ Plus the Saturday session focuses on thought-provoking aspects of the Holy Spirit, such as  ‘What Does the Holy Spirit Do?’

All are welcome!

As a participant, you’ll get to know the other ALPHA participants (in 2020, likely to be from the APC congregation) better as we share our beliefs and questions about our Faith. Church volunteers prepare the meals, run the videos, and lead the discussions. Guests just need to arrive with an appetite for food, fellowship and meaningful discussion. So, feel free to invite a friend or two!

To register, complete the form that is available at the back of the church or contact the church office or follow link: ALPHA AT APC 2020.